Thursday, December 17, 2009


Does anyone reading this have a great handle on grace?

Grace sustains us right? No one is perfect so we stand on the grace of God?
But oh how the world would like us to believe just the opposite of this.

OH Lord hear my cry, come rescue me

Let it rain.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Grace Eh?

So I agree that someone needs to live a Holy and pleasing life in order to please God... but the idea of Grace.. wow. its amazing.

You don't have to be good, you don't need to live a certain way... there is NOTHING you can do to earn God's love.. b/c it is a gift.

It's not like any love we as humans have experienced here on earth. As hard as we try there is nothing we ever do that truly expresses the same love as what my Father in Heaven gives to me. What an amazing book I've been reading called "What's so amazing about Grace." It's amazing... and really has made me think.

Loving it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

4 am wake up call

Dude! No one should ever have to be awake this early, though I'm trying to realize that it is awfully peaceful in this house right now.

I was awoken by little feet trying to go places it shouldn't (Clay was laying at my feet right in between my legs)

My mind is racing with thoughts of the day. My prayer is God will slow me down, forgive my sins, and continue to bless me. I'm torn between what true forgiveness is these days.

Looking back at my life I can't really see where I've ever really trusted anyone enough to need to forgive them, but boy have I needed forgiven. I fall short often and even always. I crave that sweet spirit that only falls on the ones seeking Him, so that is my endeavor for today.

Now if only I could get back to sleep!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Seriously Stressful Day

Anxiety has won once again today. Hoping tomorrow will be better.

Doing this on my own sucks... sucks worse to know my husband would want to do it.

The love and joys of making bad decisions... not sure if I'm seeing Mercy right now.. but I sure am trying.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Comfort in Suffering

I was reading tonight in my devotional about how Mary must have felt when she finally met with her Aunt and how they were able to share in their struggles together. Beth Moore puts it that Elizabeth was older with a questionable marriage -- borrowing maternity clothes from her friends grand daughters (figuratively of course) while Mary probably wasn't even showing yet... but here she could talk with her Aunt free of judgement free from fear of what others might think. They could share together and comfort each other....

2nd Corinthians's talks about this very thing... and as Beth Moore points out.. we get to be these people to others.. but today I'm praying for someone to be this for me. (Sounds selfish huh!)

It says: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation. (vs. 3)

I'm learning that this comfort isn't necessarily fixing everything, but being that shoulder to cry on when we feel we have no one else to turn too.

Tonight I was feeling so judged by the world, I wanted to immediately come home and scream out to all my face book friends... I'm a liar, cheater, thief, adulterer, I am who you are so right not to want to be. But I have my King Jesus and He is all I need...He forgives me and loves me... so I don't need you!

but I think God knows better. God knows that in dire circumstances He is all we need... but the truth is.. as human beings we also need each other. That is why right in the middle of proclaiming the birth of Christ, as Beth Moore points out, the angel also tells Mary of her aunt who is in a similar situation.

So instead of yelling to the heavens how drastic a sinner I am (and for anyone thinking of judging, these were sins prior to becoming saved, though as every human I struggle with them still...) I instead put a verse from Romans about being judged... after all that was the root of my issue.. I've been feeling so judged.

Something to ponder: Romans 14: 12 - 13
So then each of us shall give account of himself to God. 13 Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother’s way.

I must say as I read this I think of how others have made me feel judged, but like them I need to think of how I might also be judging! I pray I'm never a stumbling block to anyone.

Monday, October 12, 2009

The one and only

"Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!" Luke 1:28

How I wish I could have seen Mary's face after Gabriel had left. To hear that all her actions and prayers had been answered... she was blessed and highly favored by God. I wonder if she had instant peace, or if her fear overwhelmed the moment. I wonder if her love for her God overshadowed her fear. Either way, I hope to one day hear that I am favored by God!

Have you ever heard that song by Kari Jobe "The More I seek you"?

I hope that works... on the onset of my journey in 90 days of getting to know my savior (a new devotional I'm doing) the most important thing I want to say is I want to sit at His feet and worship.. broken and empty... ready for His cup to fill me overflowing!

I have those butterflies in my heart. The ones where you know the Holy Spirit is trying to move within you ... I pray I am open and waiting for what He has to show me.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Depression Sucks!

Isn't it funny that we think depression is a 'mental' illness and some how it's not health related. I love those people who say things like.. she's crazy .. she's bi-polar. As if it's not the same as he's diabetic, she's obese. Mental illness is just as frustrating and life changing as diabetes, cancer, etc. But the even more debilitating is the reaction people have to it. When I hear a person has cancer, I pray for them... but even having dealt with depression, when I hear someone is depressed I don't think of it prayer needing.. but this week I have realized it is. But how exactly do you reach out for that help?

I've been battling my depression all my adult life.. and somehow I know it has affected EVERYTHING from my home to my church to my work... to even my knowledge of who I am. This week it just seems at its worst.

Today I'm just blah... cranky.. irritable... exhausted. Most of the day I've just wanted to sleep...

Richard and I have been waiting on something all week, and it's something pretty big. We found out today that the something came through, and on Friday we'll see it through. This news should have made me running through the streets praising God.. yet I'm still just so overwhelmed and uninterested I can't seem to motivate myself to even fake it. Of course I have prayed and said thank you to God, but it's all I can do to show it to anyone else.

I'm exhausted tonight... I feel as if I want to cry. And the worst part is.. how is my action at all showing the joy and peace of Christ? I just went and attended an amazing church service... yet I was so distracted, I could barely focus on what the preacher was saying. Ugh.. overall depression sucks!

I'm praying a visit to our doctor will help somehow, but I think controlling what I can will too. I can control myself... even if that's all I can control, I can control me. So here's to trying to have a good day tomorrow, trying to work to the best of my abilities, trying to keep my calm and my peace with my children, and trying to just enjoy tomorrow!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Jonah and Disobediance

So at church tonight our youth pastor preached. (THE Bumpers Jr.) He did an amazing job this morning as well. This am he spoke about the "But God"'s in the Bible.. where everything looks bleak and desolate and than we hear the good news "BUT GOD!" It's was a great sermon.

Tonight however really hit close to home. Bumpers Jr. spoke about Jonah and how Jonah KNEW what he needed to do but didn't do it. And this initial disobedience caused a severe in Jonah's relationship w/ God... but God kept pursuing!

That's awesome. What great news for me to hear! I've been feeling disobedient lately. My attitude has been horrible pertaining to a lot of things in our lives... (MONEY mostly) BUT GOD is still in control (the Schraggers reminded me of that today PRAISE God for her!) God is a just and jealous God. Consequences of my disobedience are occurring as we speak BUT GOD will forgive me... but I need to be willing to ask and turn from that! amazing!

I've been reading w/ Lori Ann the Sparks stuff (okay honestly read it today w/ her :( ) and as I read it and went through John 3:16 with her, it smacked me in the face at how clearly the Bible says.. all men/women/boy/girl are sinners. all men/women/boy/girl need a savior. WE KNOW THAT SAVIOR.. and I need to follow Him completely. I need to stop the half hearted following of Christ and step out and follow Him in everything.

I've been stressing SO much about everything. About the finances, about the house, about school decisions, about legal concerns, about the kids, about my marriage... and I've learned that worrying doesn't do anything for that. But pushing aside worrying isn't the same as having faith that God will supply. Having faith is KNOWING without a shadow of a doubt that you will be held and protected b/c you are a beloved child of the KING.

I've also been listening to the words of the ladies at church who have been through struggles and have enjoyed hearing that I'm not alone!

So here's a tip for you: If you are truly struggling with your life circumstances... speak to the saints in your church. You know the ones that if they had saints in your church (mine do not lol) they would be chosen. Like the Schraggers or the Robertsons or the Kings or the Templetons (HEY BROADWAY ROCKS!) etc. (just names of some of the women in my church who I think should be sainted for putting up w/ me lol)

ALSO -- if you are struggling DO NOT SURROUND yourself with people who are acting as if they are perfect. This will just depress you and get you into an evil thing called jealousy. I'm learning that no matter how hard/easy etc your life may be someone has it worse OR better. Living thankfully for what you have and being content is the only way to be happy. I was complaining about my 20.00 grocery budget and the Schraggers told me about another person w/ a 10.00 grocery budget. Yet I also know someone w/ a grocery budget of 200.00 a week. Life is different for everyone, and my struggle w/ money might be someone elses struggle with lust etc.

Today I need to do what I can to make the good choices. To fully live out my faith in Jesus Christ. That's all I can do.. and that's all I need to do. B/c the rest will fall into place! Like my other post says: as long as I got King Jesus!

Have you met my King? If not.. I hope and pray one day you do!

Monday, September 7, 2009

What a rough start

Have you heard the song "As Long as I got King Jesus"? Poor English but amazing song.

It says we don't need a doctor, lawyer, preacher, teacher, brother, sister, mother, father etc.

It says He'll be my friend when I'm friendless.

Recently I've found myself with a shortage of friends. The ones I held closest to my heart have went through changes and those changes have really caused some stresses on our friendships. So I wonder... do I really believe that song? As Long as I got King Jesus.. do I need anyone else?

My heart is heavy today. :o( So many things have changed, I still have Richard.. and maybe that's the point of these changes... to help me cling to my husband. But Richard has never been AMAZING at listening to all my dumb whining. (especially since most of it is about him.) It was nice to have someone to talk to about those things. So maybe that's the point... I can talk to Jesus about those things. He can give the best advice!

I just wonder if what we heard in Sunday school was meant for me.... do I trust that Jesus is big enough to handle my problems? Like my depression... my crazy ways .... my selfishness .... I wonder... how big is the Jesus I believe in?

Like the title says: it's been a rough start to the day!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Question of the day.

So, recently (as in yesterday) I celebrated my 27th birthday.

My FAVORITE and I mean FAVORITE restaurant is Ohana's... a Japanese Steak house in town. It has an amazing MONSTER roll that I just love.

So I decided since we probably couldn't afford to do two dinners, one for family and one for friends, I would include them both.

My family usually is very OPEN to new people so no big deal right?

Well at the last minute I was told that half of my family wouldn't be able to come b/c of finances. And ALSO b/c one of my aunt's didn't like that type of food. I also found out that another set of friends weren't able to afford it, and the other group of family we already knew wouldn't be able to afford it due to the fact that it was around 13.00 a plate.

I had a GREAT TIME with the people who were there. My mom and grandma appeared to have a good time (though I could see they didn't totally LOVE LOVE LOVE the food)

So I found out that my family did other things... so now I'm left wondering...

Should I have changed the place I wanted to go to for my birthday to include all of my family since I do hold them so dear to me? Or enjoy my birthday for what it is MY BIRTHDAY and think "well if they didn't want to come, they didn't want to come" and not be hurt by it. I'm just not sure if my feelings are valid or not.

I do know that my family wasn't crazy about my choices, but this same family said "it's your birthday you should go where you want to go." I guess it is really a choice... do I want the food or the family?

I guess lesson learned. Overall it was still an amazing birthday and my best friend (my mom) and wonderful husband was there. So I guess I should say "such is life" :o)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Jeremiah 2 - A glance into our future

Have you ever thought the children of Israel are a LOT like the gentiles are now?

It only has taken us what 2,000 years to look to our other gods and idols. I've been reading through Jeremiah and really think it has a lot to say to people today.. just as it had to say to Israel and Judah back than.

Jeremiah 2: 13 says: For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, And hewn themselves cisterns—broken cisterns that can hold no water. - don't we turn to ourselves more than God. Don't we build up our defenses? Finding excuse after excuse as to why we should depend solely on ourselves and labor in vain stating its for the glory of God? Yet all of our labor is in vain, if it is not for the sole glory of God! We are broken cisterns and can hold nothing and are therefore useless.

Jeremiah goes on to say: (this is what hit me the hardest!) Jeremiah 2: 26 - 31: “ As the thief is ashamed when he is found out, So is the house of Israel ashamed; They and their kings and their princes, and their priests and their prophets, 27 Saying to a tree, ‘You are my father,’ And to a stone, ‘You gave birth to me.’ For they have turned their back to Me, and not their face. But in the time of their trouble They will say, ‘Arise and save us.’ 28 But where are your gods that you have made for yourselves? Let them arise, If they can save you in the time of your trouble; For according to the number of your cities Are your gods, O Judah. 29 “ Why will you plead with Me? You all have transgressed against Me,” says the LORD. 30 “ In vain I have chastened your children. They received no correction. Your sword has devoured your prophets Like a destroying lion. 31 “ O generation, see the word of the LORD!

Wow! How many of us have put our trust in money/man/preachers/bankers/family/spouses... and not in God. Absolutely I have faith in THE Rev. Eddie Bumpers or I wouldn't be in his church, but I should NEVER put my love/respect/admiration for him, or for Richard above God. I should never put my trust in the bank over my trust in God. I should never say oh the bank will take care of it... no I should say GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF IT. If that all makes sense at all loll.

And are we not the chastened children? We receive the correction.. we have THE Book to read and live by... yet how many of us are content in just standing on the sidelines letting others do the reading/writing/listening/learning of the will of God.

God has a plan for us. Yet if we fail to listen to it; if we fail to read and pray for it; if we sit idly by and show up Sunday and Wednesday's only, we are only giving our God two hours to show us the LIFE HE has planned... I need to see it daily. I need to read it daily.

Like the song says:

This is the air I breathe
This is the air I breathe
Your holy presence living in me

This is my daily bread
This is my daily bread
Your very word spoken to me

And I I'm desperate for you
And I I'm I'm lost without you

How lost are we when we don't partake of the air and bread of the living God?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Praise God for Chris Schrag!

So on Monday I fell out of a chair.... hit my head/hip ... an ER Visit later was told has a mild concussion. Just what every mother of four needs right?

To make matters worse, my mom was sick so my only help in times like these was sick and unable to help. So yesterday... while suffering from the most severe headache of my life, I cooked/cleaned up/ fed/ etc etc etc four children. IT SUCKED!

Today I woke up feeling better... but at 3:30 or so, the headache came back full on. I called the doctor and they said this could happen for the next week or so until my brain heals completely from the trauma. How fun is this I ask you?

Well, Wendy my friend for LIFE offered to take the kiddos to church for me... and I was almost about to take her up on that, but first I called Chris. And Chris told me she would take them for me. She is a blessing in a half! I pray that everyone who reads this knows her or gets too! She's AMAZING... and I love her more than words can say.

This got me to thinking... as on Sunday I had read the story of the Rich Young Ruler (as told through for the kids. Here's how the Bible puts it... (bare with me, I'm still pretty much in pain!)

Luke 18:18-23 (New King James Version)
Jesus Counsels the Rich Young Ruler

18 Now a certain ruler asked Him, saying, “Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” 19 So Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. 20 You know the commandments: ‘Do not commit adultery,’ ‘Do not murder,’ ‘Do not steal,’ ‘Do not bear false witness,’ ‘Honor your father and your mother.’”[a]21 And he said, “All these things I have kept from my youth.” 22 So when Jesus heard these things, He said to him, “You still lack one thing. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” 23 But when he heard this, he became very sorrowful, for he was very rich.

So here is a man who has kept all the commandments and made good of himself. However, his peace has come through physical things and he has learned to love his possessions more than the one providing those blessings.

What I keep thinking about is this: What if this man would have done what Christ had said to him to do? What if this man had sold everything and followed Christ? Who did we miss learning from, since this man chose to disobey the will of God in His life. He could have been a warrior like Paul, a healer like Luke. He could have written the gospel according too... but this man instead missed out on the richest blessing... he missed out on the blessing of being in the Will of God.

I wonder if he ever learned what God was trying to show him... And in return I wonder how many opportunities I have passed up, by leading the life I have. I pray God will still use me, and show me His will for my life!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

In my mind....

Recently, we had an un-expected bill come up, and I had to spend my grocery money on the unexpected bill.

The next day, praise God I was able to get my WIC stuff.... but I'm not sure if I've ever felt so upset/lonely/frustrated/annoyed/and down right angry as I walked through the aisles of Walmart. You see...

Our pantry was literally empty. We had no food that I could even throw together to make into a semi-nutritious meal for the kids. I was so frustrated at myself, at the choices I had made, even at Walmart for having so much food... etc.

Thankfully I have family who was willing to help me out until I was able to pay them back.

It was humbling as I reflected on those feelings. I had went out to my car and cried my eyes out after walking through those aisles. I felt as if my world was crashing in on me. I can't imagine feeling that everyday, or every week.

We as a country have amazing programs that help people, and I'm thankful for that. But I still can't imagine the scars left on a mother's heart and I can't imagine feeling that alone. I was thankful that as I cried I had my Jesus to listen and care about me. I was thankful that as I pondered what I could sell or trade etc to get grocery's that my Jesus was listening to me in my irrational state.

See Jesus knows Richard and I spent money where we shouldn't. Jesus knows that we have made stupid mistakes. But in my hour of need, Jesus didn't condemn, like this world so often does, He instead comforted.... and provided a way out of the crazy situation.

But honestly His comfort was what I needed, more than anything I needed to hear that His love was still there, that His comfort was going to carry me through. That He was leading me, and that He would carry me though .... trying to understand how I would make it through the week on milk and eggs was beyond my understanding. (I know I'm spoiled!) Jesus provided by allowing us to get the WIC in the first place.

I'm not saying that Jesus fixes all of our mistakes, but Jesus did provide... this time He provided through my sister, but Jesus can provide through many venues. Like I said, I was thankful for getting my WIC, and knew if anything the kids would have milk and eggs. The Lord had provided a good friend to help me see that I wasn't alone and milk and eggs are as good as any other thing to a five, three, and two year old.

Now as I look through the aisles of Walmart, I am truly humbled by the money I have to shop and buy food.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My Baby is starting school

Tomorrow Lori Ann starts Kindergarten.

I don't know why I'm so upset about this.... but I think it's because last year it was okay to take her out of school to go on vacation or keep her home just to hug on her or love on her.. it was only 3 hours she was missing....

but now it's mandated. She needs to be in school, ready and able to learn.... she needs to be there everyday she can to ensure she has the greatest chance of learning all she can so she can be as prepared for this world as possible.... well at least educationally.....

it has just gone by quickly! I will miss my princess talks with her while the others took their naps. My baby is growing up... I know she will be prepared.. I just hope everyone else is prepared for her. Watch out world.. Lori Ann is a coming :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Yep.. One of those days

Anyone remember that song by Brandi?? or someone right after Brandi who sounded just like Brandi ... it went like "Just one of them days.. that a girl goes through.. " etc etc.

I had one of those days yesterday. I woke up thinking it was going to be a great day. I had slept a whole 10 hours, I felt refreshed, awake, energized... and than I got into the grind of the work day and wanted to give up! Calling people and telling them that the owe that large insurance bill isn't always the best .... and yesterday was just one of those days that I couldn't please anyone.. not my company.. not my customers... not my family .. not my children.. NO ONE.

As I started to look over who I was worrying about pleasing.. I saw that God wasn't in there at all. The most important question I wasn't asking was .. "Did my day please God?" ... I think given the above information the answer would most likely be no... but why?

I think mostly b/c of my attitude. I didn't have a positive attitude at all. Instead of just drumming through life like I have been, I need to be looking.. seeking.. learning about my God, my family, my children, my fellow lovers of Christ.. I really need to stop being so lazy and thinking about all the things I don't like about my life and focus more on the things I love about my life.

I love my husband. YES he drives me insane. And I mean INSANE! But he accepts me no matter WHAT I DO.. he shows me Christ by loving me .. something that I've often struggled to accept... but still something I strive for more than breathe itself.

I love my children. Again.. they drive me UP A WALL. Clayton screams... Lori Ann argues... Meghan stomps her feet.. and Katie Lynn.. well Katie Lynn is adorable.. but mix them together and you have a huge mess... but that is my mess. Those are the creations that Richard and I are a part of. NO ONE or anything can take that away from me.. I will always cherish the memories of Clay and Lori Ann trying to dance with each other like the Dancing w/ the Stars performers.. or Meghan getting mad b/c Lori Ann was singing God's army too loud that she couldn't hear herself sing. I cherish the smile Katie Lynn gives me when I want to throw up my hands and run screaming for the hills.

I love my church! Sure I feel like I am SO under understood... but people there don't judge. They love. I got an email from my deaconess today and she reminded me.. "You are loved!" What a blessing to hear that from someone who doesn't have to love you at all. I could just be another face for her.. but nope.. she has chosen to love me. That's so cool.. and if you read this blog .. you see how I feel about the Bumpers... and if I haven't said it yet.. the Mathes ... he's someone one day I'd love to imitate... he is patient and kind.. sincere.. just an amazing man!

Sure I'm not ecstatic about my job.. but I do have one. That can't be said by everyone. So praise God I can support my family. Praise God Richard isn't the only one trying to provide for our family. What a stress that must be for some... and I would never want Richard to feel as if he was in that by himself. God has me where I need to be... and has me focused on where I need to be in the future.. He is helping me get there.. and that's a blessing too!

So here's the biggest blessing in my life thus far. God is defeating the power of worrying in my life.

I worry about EVERYTHING! And I mean EVERYTHING. But these last two weeks I've been placing that worry on the strong shoulders of God. And God has delivered. Why I doubted I do not know! Placing your faith in Him is an amazing feat ... but so worth it (at least it was an amazing feat for me..)

So here's the ending for tonight.. I'm thankful for my life. Sure it's not exactly where I thought it would be.. but what ever is?

Here .. enjoy some good ole' Caedmon's... all the cool people are :)

This is the valley that I'm walking through
And if fells like forever since
I've been close to you
My friends up above me don't
understand why i struggle like i do
My shadow's my only,only companion
and at night he leaves too
Down in the valley, dying of thirst
Down in the valley, it seems that I'm at my worst
My consolation is that you baptize this earth
When I'm down in the valley, valleys fill first
Down in this wasteland I miss the
mountaintop view
But it's here in this valley that
I'm surrounded by you
Though I'm not here by my will
it's where your view is the most clear
So I'll stay in this valley it takes 40 years
And it's like that long Saturday
your death and the rising day
When no one wrote a word,wondered is this the end
But you were down there in thew ell, saving those that fell
Bringing them to the mountain again

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Devotionals -- WHAT?

I don't know about most of you, but when I was a teen in youth group, my youth Pastor along with our teen leaders etc, would ALWAYS be pushing how much we needed to read out Bible. Even as an adult, I hear Rev. Bumpers (THE BUMPERS) shout from the front of the church about the vitality of reading God's word. Sounds like a good idea right? Sounds like a DUH issue... but how often do we actually sit down to do it? How often is that the thing that gets pressed aside? How often do we excuse ourselves away from it?

I one time had a lady tell me "God understands that I have kids and a husband, He understands my busyness." For a while that worked for me. I kept telling myself that God understood .... sure I had time for Grey's and I had time for homework and I had time for my husband and I to sit around and gossip about celebrities .... but God would understand.

Here's the thing. The above statement shows you my true priorities. So if God was my #1 priority, than HE would come before Grey's.. HE would come before homework... HE would come before gossiping ... He would come before ME.

The word of God is our FRONT line defense and our FRONT line offense to understanding and living out the will of God for our lives. I think we too often negate this as something we know we should do, like we know we should bless our food, we know we should go to church, we know we should talk to our neighbor about Christ... we say we KNOW these things... but often we excuse it away..... and that's where reading in God's word becomes so applicable.

If we are reading about the sacrifices of the saints (Moses, Noah, Jonah, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul) we are able to becoming bolder in our faith and saying a prayer in a crowded lunch room doesn't seem as bold as standing before Pharaoh and telling him to let the Jews go... or saying YES when asked if we are Christians doesn't seem as scary when we read how Noah was practically called insane and ostracized for following God's will. When we see how Paul rejoiced in a jail cell, through his persecution, it is easier to see that our trials and tribulations are part of living in this world... Old and New Testament alike, the Bible shows us our God, our Savior, and the Holy Spirit -- three in one.

When we are reading how God loved the people of Nineveh, as the repented, we learn more about God's love. When we are reading about the sacrifices made before Christ, we learn why Christ had to come. When we see how UN-perfect we are compared to the many laws written in Judges, we see that the law was written to show us that w/out a sacrifice, our relationship with God is not attainable. When we see how sinful we really are compared to those laws, we see how much we are in need of a Savior.

When we see the mercy of Christ as He speaks to Mary and Martha, we see how who our Savior is. When we see the love extended to Peter after the denial, we see how our Savior loves. When we read about the coming trials and tribulations, we can skip to the very end of Revelations and rejoice that we win!

This is what the Bible is meant to do. It's meant to show us who our God is. It's meant to show us WHY we need a Savior. It's meant to show us that man is God's creation whom He loves and is willing to do ANYTHING for. Without reading this, daily... without meditating on it... without processing His words, we miss out on understanding Who HE is.

What an amazing God we have that He sends us His words written out for all to see and hear. What a blessing it is to be able to chew on the words of such a HOLY God.

Rev. Bumpers (aka THE BUMPERS.. I've decided I can call him that on here b/c I know he'll never read it ha ha) dad, Rev. Bumpers SENIOR once told me when I was so lost and ready to give up... Read 1 John ... than read 2 John ... than read 3 John... compare who you are to how John tells us a Christian is to be. Than read them all again.

This will answer if you are truly saved... this will answer where you are w/ God... and where you are with your relationship with the only way to our PERFECT and HOLY God... His Son.. Jesus Christ.

I hope I've encouraged you to pick up your Bible today and chew on some wisdom from the only One who is really truly able to give it out... our God.

It's a great spiritual check up to think where we place our time with God.

If you find yourself stuck on a passage, I hope and pray you seek Godly wisdom... that you pray about it, and ask God to reveal it's meaning to you. That you seek out Godly counsel on anything you might not understand. It has been my experience God shows me what I need to hear... and seeking counsel through prayer and other Godly women and men of God... nails it down and impresses the concept on my heart.

God Bless! Happy Saturday!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Midnight it is!

So it's 12:45 am and I'm getting ready to head to bed.

Worked till 8 :( - Mom was here watching the kiddos.... a dresser fell on Clay and Lori Ann, Meghan and Katie Lynn both had their medicine and it's time for bed.

Big weekend... going to a 'shopping' party for a friend of mine who's starting to sell Southern Living at home and than going to just hang out with her.

Saturday I have to work.. FUN STUFF and than fair time for all... I loathe LOATHE LOATHE the Ozark Empire Fair lol... but the kids should enjoy it.

Church on Sunday w/ the Bumpers (only here on this site can I really say that.)

I am not sure why. The man is an institution. I understand he is a Reverend however to me he's more!

Growing up with a father who worked construction, the song Daddy's Hands always was special to me. "Daddy's hands weren't always gentle, but I've learned to understand... there is always love in daddy's hands."

Whenever my dad would upset me, or whenever I'd watch him do something that I knew in my heart was wrong... I'd sing that song to myself to help me try and understand that my dad really did love me, maybe in the only way he knew how, but he loved me.

I didn't learn that truly until I had my first child... I could never ever do anything to stop loving them. They are my creation.. And when I got saved... I learned that we as humans are unable to love like Christ...but it's only through our deepening relationship with Christ that we are able to learn to love as He loves. Either way....that's where Eddie Bumpers comes in.

I LOVE that my husband hears a man of God that truly seeks the heart of God. I love that I can listen and hear and see the Lord through Him.... I think Pastor/Brother/Reverend... not so meaningful as the THE Bumpers. But hey... that's me... and if he doesn't want that... Brother/Rev./Pastor it is.

Any who, I made a super easy dinner a couple of nights ago that I found on Minute ... it was pretty good.

1 can of peas
1 10 oz can of Cream of Chicken soup
1 1/2 cups water
2 cups rice
1/4 cup Parm. Cheese
1/4 cup bacon bits (though I used the real bacon pieces by KRAFT)
1.5 lbs of chicken
1 tsb oil

put the oil in a skillet and when heated, place chicken in and cook thoroughly.
Add peas, cream of chicken soup, and water. Bring to boil.
Once boiling add rice and let simmer 5 mins.
take off heat, add Parm cheese and bacon bits.


So yummy! Either way, now that it's 1:06 am and I have to work at 6 am... bed it is. Have a good night.