Friday, January 1, 2010

Ever Meet one of those people??

Ever meet one of those Christians who knows they are better than you? Nothing drives me more nuts than someone acting more Righteous than I. I know I'm a horrible, no good sinner, but just think so should everyone else. If you know that than you'll know that judging others for their actions better be second to judging yourself.

Can you tell this has been on my mind a lot lately? Richard and I have been going through somewhat of a financial crisis if you will. We are "fine" financially now, but we have been examining every penny of every dollar. I don't think I can tell you how exhausting but amazing it is.

Today I've had a little pity party b/c it has put strain on friendships I hold dear to my heart. And this is where the righteous attitude comes into play. We all struggle with something. If Richard and I struggle with money while you struggle with lust... is the struggle of money any less damaging than the struggle with lust? Or vice versa? The truth is, we all struggle, and when we have our sin exposed (b/c I honestly do believe mis-spending the money God has blessed you with is a sin) isn't fun.... but I think the true sign of the love of God is embracing others despite the sin in their lives... I just haven't figured out how far we take that.... ack.. and this is how I'm starting out my New Year -laffs. :o)

1 comment:

  1. Boy could I comment on this post. I will keep my mouth shut!! I could tell you some things!!
